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Love Robin Love Robin 14 September 2019

dieCarly: peek1


Florence, Italy
Summertime. Nighttime. Dinnertime.

Carlotta Cheyenne Shay could almost believe she was watching a spy thriller. Which would have been safer than the truth.

That she was in an actual, real-life, brutal knife fight to the death.

Fortunately, while her brain believed the former, her body knew the latter.

Which was how Carly was watching herself fending off a knife-wielding food delivery woman a head taller. Initial automatic words of surprised apology died on the teen's lips as she realized, She's trying to kill me!

And, I'm trying to kill her!

Then, WHY is she trying to kill me? followed by, How am I defending myself?

Forty-five seconds ago…


Carly double-checked her count of euros as she walked the tight hallway of her smal…

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