"I'm really rich." |
Spencer Shay (born November 11, 1981) is Carly Shay's older brother and former-legal guardian. He is a professional artist who is known for being clumsy, eccentric and sometimes childish. In the revival, its revealed that Spencer is incredibly wealthy and now owns Shay What?!, the remodelled The Groovy Smoothie. Spencer later goes back to his roots as a sculpture and an artist.

Spencer and his banjo!

It's Baby Spencer!!

Spencer shows his mischievous prankster side.
Spencer is portrayed by Jerry Trainor.
iCarly (2007)
Spencer Shay is Carly's eccentric, but caring and dedicated older brother and the son of Colonel Steven Shay and Mrs. Shay. He was about 26 at the time of the first season. He grew up in Seattle and attended Ridgeway Junior High School. Since his father is in the military, Spencer was Carly's legal guardian. He lived with his younger sister in Apartment 8-C at Bushwell Plaza while their father was stationed on a Navy submarine. The whereabouts of his mother is unknown. As a high schooler, Spencer was known for his pranks but stopped as one of his pranks went wrong (he dumped garlic powder on fellow students and they had to get their eyes flushed). Spencer attended Seattle Law School for three days but quit to become an artist. Although he quit law school after only for seventy-two hours, he learned throughout his experience in law school and even kept a textbook.[45][46] When he dropped out, he made a deal with his grandfather that if he couldn't get one of his sculptures into a museum within three years, he would go back to law school.[47] However, he did not reveal to his father that he had dropped out.[48] During a web show when Spencer talks to his father over the phone, he tells him that law school is going great.[49] He did not reveal the truth until iGoodbye.
iCarly (2021)
Now in his 40s, and still single, Spencer manage to become wealthy over the past decade after a accidental sculpture he made went viral. Throughout the series, Spencer goes on "next-level dates."[50] Spencer later becomes the owner of the Groovy Smoothie and remodels it as well as renaming it to Shay What?! Spencer also goes back to his sculpting and artist ways in the third season. It is later revealed in the 3rd season that Spencer was a sperm donor before the events of the original show and that he has 11 biological kids.
Physical Appearance
Spencer is tall and has brown hair. In the original series, he had aa variety of hair styles, where he either had it short or shoulder length. By the time of season 5, his hair is shorter. In the revival's first two seasons, Spencer has shoulder length hair and it is short again in the third season.

This character won second place for Best Character at the iCarly Wiki Awards!
Spencer is Carly's caring older brother. He is eccentric and aloof, but has moments where he is responsible and intelligent, especially when it comes to taking care of Carly. He is not fooled easily, as shown in episodes iLook Alike, iDate a Bad Boy, and iGet Pranky. He once said himself, "I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid". He is often called abnormal, weird, sometimes gullible and easily distracted, because of his short attention span. According to his old girlfriend, Veronica, he has a "creative, fun spirit." Spencer is kind and friendly towards all. He is frequently seen building strange sculptures on the show and most of his works are displayed in the apartment.
Spencer is caring and protective of his little sister. For example, he shows a strict and mature side in iLook Alike and iDate a Bad Boy, where he grounded Carly twice. He has kept Carly's asthma inhaler even though she hadn't used it since she was seven (iWanna Stay with Spencer). In iLook Alike, Spencer would not let Carly attend the MMA fight, because he said he's seen those fights get really rough and that it's not a place for kids. He also said Carly was grounded for two weeks because she snuck out to see the fight. He reassured Carly was not like their mother in IHave A Proposal, in which he implies she abandoned them when Carly was a child.
Spencer also frequently finds himself in sticky situations that serve as a subplot for the episode. Some of these subplots include his nemesis, the notorious Chuck Chambers.
Spencer is quite a ladies' man, having dated over ten women. Some of his relationships are even more eccentric than he is, like Connie the juggler, Lauren Ackerman, Carly's former teacher with a lot of emotional problems, and Stephanie, and a girl who believed that she had a pet unicorn who could talk. Spencer usually has no trouble getting women to date him (though according to Carly in iDo, he's never had a steady girlfriend), although in iWin a Date, he decides to try a dating site called Why Not Date Me?.
Another recurring gag is that many objects Spencer touches or fixes spontaneously bursts into flames, the first being the chicken stir fry he made in iWanna Stay With Spencer, with added humor due to the fact the item that does so is always made of a material that is non-flammable in real life, such as a desk bell or the cymbal on a drum. In iOMG, Spencer once caused a fire extinguisher to ironically expel flames. In iDo and iGot a Hot Room, an item of clothing suddenly falls off Spencer when he is in shock (his bow tie and his pants respectively).
It is revealed in iGet Pranky that Spencer had an obsession with playing pranks on others when he was in middle school. Although he insisted he had gotten over it, the obsession returned when Carly asked him to teach her how to prank and got out of control. Eventually, Carly and Freddie asked his former classmates (and prank victims) to visit the apartment and try to reason with him. Instead they got revenge on him by pinning him to the ground and hitting him, curing his obsession.
Spencer also has a habit of trying to taste things he probably should not. In iTwins he tastes the oily sludge Chuck sprays in his face, and asks himself why he did so afterwards. In the same episode he tries to taste the "chunky red goo" Chuck puts in his motorcycle helmet, only to be stopped by Carly. In iSaved Your Life he tastes the paint from a paint-ball Sam shot at him from her blow-tube as part of their assassin game.
In iDo, it is confirmed that he hasn't had a steady girlfriend since high school, he doesn't like it when people say his butt is flat, and he drinks milk in the shower (also said in iGot a Hot Room). It is seen on a few occasions that he can play the banjo, a skill he has used to attract women.
According to Veronica (his previous girlfriend) in iEnrage Gibby, Spencer is "too loud," which is technically true as proven in most episodes. According to Gibby's mom in iFix A Popstar, Spencer is an amazing cook. Spencer often cooks for Carly and her friends.
According to the iCarly Website (in the iParty with Victorious picture gallery), when Spencer was in the 5th grade, he was in a choir group. They soon kicked him out of the group because Spencer is known to make an "unusual" face whenever he sings. In both iParty with Victorious and iLost My Mind, it is seen that Spencer is not afraid to get in touch with his feminine side, which is shown by meetings with his ladies' book club, where they discuss books and recipes for fruit tarts.
In iStart a Fanwar, it was confirmed that Spencer could sing very well. During his "Aspartamay V.S Aruthor" battle, there was a "sing-off" (dissing) scene between Aspartamay and Aruthor. Spencer's well-singing talent is again brought up in iParty with Victorious when he (faintly) sings "Not a fantasy".
The fire department has put out a total of 18 fires in his apartment.
Art Projects
As an artist, Spencer is usually making an odd art project for some equally weird reason. A recurring gag is that the majority of his projects will burst into flames randomly. Added humor comes from the fact that the item subjected to this gag is always either
- made entirely of material that is non-flammable at room temperature in real life.
- made of both flammable and non-flammable materials, but it's the parts made of the latter that invariably catch on fire.
Spencer gets many of his art supplies from the local junkyard and even claims to have an account there (iAm Your Biggest Fan). Spencer has also made a short claymation film called The Alien, The Space Hamster, and the Burrito, which ironically are the names of the actual characters.
See the gallery of Spencer's Art Projects here.
Carly Shay
(1994-Present; Siblings)

Spencer and Carly in the original show
Carly and her brother have a very strong and loving relationship. They often have fun hanging out together. Carly acts as his voice of reason or emotional support when needed and vice versa. Despite seeming pretty laid-back in his role as a guardian, he is able to be responsible, mature, and strict when necessary as shown in iLook Alike. He also has proven to be a protective but understanding big brother. In IDate a Bad Boy, he grounds Carly for kissing Griffin behind his back when they were home alone. He also forbids her from seeing him out of protecting her and making sure she doesn't grow up too fast. He does change his mind when he realises Carly is growing up and is old enough to date. However, he still gets protective and makes sure Carly and Griffin don't have "that much fun". Their brother/sister relationship is very important to the show in many different ways.

Spencer and his sister Carly
Spencer is still very protective of Carly in her adult years as shown in IGo Public when Spencer tells Carly's boyfriend Freddie to treat her with respect. Spencer (and Freddie) helps Carly when she is deepfaked by Nevel Papperman in iFaked It and they pretend to be Nevel and his wife Prunella to get them to admit they are the ones who made the rancid pasta dish, Tastes Famiglia. In iCreate a New Ecosystem, Spencer becomes very protective of Carly when he thinks Freddie got her pregnant and is very excited about her having a baby. Instead of calling himself an uncle, Spencer refers himself as a grandfather to Carly and Freddie's "baby". He is clearly disappointed when she says she isn't pregnant. In IHave A Proposal, Spencer and Carly have a serious talk about their mother when Carly says she wants to be with Freddie for the rest of her life and he assures her that she is not their mother. It is revealed that their mother abandoned them when they were kids and Spencer tells Carly she would never do what their mother did to them as kids. (See: Sparly)
Freddie Benson
(2005-Present; Best Friend, Neighbour, Practically Brothers, Almost Brother-In-Law)

Spencer and Freddie in the original show
Spencer seems to be something like a big brother to Freddie. Freddie usually asks him for advice (especially about girls) and enjoys hanging out with him when he needs "guy time" away from girls. We can also see that Freddie and Spencer work together as a team.

Spencer and Freddie in the revival.
The two often hang out just the two of them like in IFence and IBuckled. Freddie often comes to Spencer for relationship advice and Spencer invested in Freddie to help him with his start up sometime after IStart Over. They spend a lot of time together in the revival. Spencer and Freddie like to give each other advice and Spencer is very supportive of Freddie's relationship with his sister Carly.
In the revival, Freddie and Spencer love to hang out together more now that Freddie is also an adult and they relate more with each other than when he was a kid. Freddie still comes to Spencer when it comes to his relationships, like in ICupid - when Freddie wanted help with his then-girlfriend Pearl - and in IGo Public - when Freddie wanted Spencer's help announcing his relationship with his girlfriend - and Spencer's sister - Carly. Freddie tends to find Spencer's ideas quite wacky at times but does love them. Spencer tries to help Freddie overcome his fear of cats in ICause A Cat-Astrophe. In IHave A Proposal, Freddie comes to Spencer for advice when it comes to possibly proposing to Carly and Freddie almost becomes Spencer's brother-in-law when Freddie almost marries Carly, before they are interrupted by the unexpected arrival of her and Spencer's mother. They have a brotherly relationship. (See: Fencer)
Harper Bettencourt

(2020-Present, Good Friends)
Spencer is good friends with Carly's roommate Harper and they love to tease each other. They make a bet in iRobot Wedding to see who can get the most numbers of people to hook-up with. Spencer likes to impress Harper in episodes like iStart Over and appears to find find her attractive as he has called her hot a few times. The only time the two had a tense-kind of friendship was when Spencer dated Harper's cousin Maeve for a while, but Harper soon got over it. (see Spencer and Harper)

Spencer and his daughter, Potter
(2023-Present; Daughter)
Spencer finds out in iReunited and It Felt OK that Potter is his daughter from donating his sperm several years ago and he says she is his favourite of all his kids. They have a lot in common such as their love for spaghetti tacos and spontaneously setting things on fire. (see Spencer and Potter)
Millicent Mitchell

(2020-Present; Friends, Honorary Niece )
Spencer is good friends with Millicent, Freddie's step-daughter. Millicent at first liked to make fun of Spencer, but eventually became friendlier with him as the show progressed. In iRobot Wedding, Spencer said he would be Millicent's new father when he thought Freddie was sick and dying. Millicent later becomes obsessed with Spencer's new game Possum Secret Handshake in iGo Public. In iCause A Cat-Astrophe, Millicent hugs Spencer when he invites her to meet a special cat. In iCreate a New Ecosystem, Spencer calls Millicent his niece when he thinks Gwen is taking her away and Millicent does almost become Spencer's step-niece when Carly and Freddie are about to get married. (see Spencer and Millicent)
Sam Puckett

(2002-2012; Former Good Friend)
Spencer and Sam seem to be good friends, and whenever Carly isn't available, Sam enjoys hanging out with him. Occasionally, they seem as close as siblings, possibly making the Shay family a replacement for Sam's own dysfunctional one. It was revealed in iGet Pranky that Sam had a "little crush" on Spencer but it was never brought up again. Spencer and Sam lost touch with each other years later and are no longer friends although she has been mentioned a couple of times in the revival. (See: Spam)
Gibby Gibson

(2010-2012; Former Good Friend)
Gibby and Spencer seem to enjoy each other's company and get together often when the others are not around. Both are rather eccentric, often serving as the ones to do some of the crazier things on the web show. Gibby frequently tries to help Spencer out, offering his Grandfather's services in iGot a Hot Room, rubbing Spencer's sore back in iParty with Victorious, etc. Spencer lost touch with Gibby oveer the years, as did Carly and Freddie and are no longer friends with him. (See: Gencer)
Lewbert Sline

Spencer with Lewbert
(2007-Present; Former Frenemy, Friends)
In the original series, Lewbert had more of a frenemy relationship with Spencer than enemy. Spencer filled in for Lewbert as the doorman at Bushwell Plaza, in IHurt Lewbert, after he got seriously injured. Spencer showed signs of respect for Lewbert throughout the show as he often told Carly to apologise to Lewbert if she and her friends bothered him. However, Spencer got sick from Lewbert in IGoodbye, when he sneezed on him, making Spencer too sick to take Carly to the father-daughter dance.
In the revival series, they are a lot closer and have more respect for each other. In IObject, Lewbert!, Spencer has not forgiven Lewbert for making him sick and is angry at him for suing Carly and Freddie, although it does get resolved due to Spencer being very rich. In the third season, Lewbert is a lot friendlier to Spencer and they have more respect for each other. In IGo to Toledo, Spencer happily spends time with Lewbert at his bachelor party with Freddie and Paul and Lewbert calls Spencer his friend. In ICreate a New Ecosystem, Lewbert comes to Spencer to build him an arc for all his insects for his upcoming wedding to Marissa and is willing to pay him a lot of money for it. They later spend time together with Ms. Benson and form a "grandparent club" when they all think Carly and Freddie are having a baby together.
Marissa Benson

Spencer kissing Mrs Benson in iChristmas
(2005-Present; Former Frenemy, Friends)
Spencer has known Marissa Benson since 2005, since his sister Carly met her son Freddie. In the original show, they had a slight complicated friendship at times but did get along. Mrs Benson sometimes referred to Spencer as stupid, but did treat him as her own son in one episode when he hurt himself. In iChristmas, Spencer was engaged to Marissa in an alternate reality and Carly hated them being together. Spencer often agreed with Marissa's parenting as shown in iLook Alike, when he agreed with her about not letting Carly and Freddie attend an MMA fight due to it being too dangerous for kids.
In the revival series, Spencer is closer with Marissa and she no longer calls him names. They are a lot friendlier with each other and show much more respect for one another. In iBuckled, Spencer is the one who records Marissa proposing to Lewbert and he is happy for her. Marissa comes to Spencer in iCreate a New Ecosystem for help when Lewbert wants to have an ant farm. According to Spencer, he and Marissa have a knock-walk-in friendship (due to knowing each other for years) and Spencer offers to let Marissa and Lewbert live with him in his apartment when they can't agree where to live, but Marissa tells Spencer she would rather die than live with him.
Paul Denham

(2022-Present; Friends)
Spencer is good friends with Carly's manager Paul. They don't really spend time together until the third season. In IBuckled, Spencer wants to be part of Carly's TV show that Paul is producing and Spencer keeps thinking he is the host, which Paul declines. Paul does seem to be quite hostile towards Spencer in that episode, but they are still good friends. They hang out together with Freddie and Lewbert in IGo to Toledo, for Lewbert's bachelor party and Spencer wants to invite Paul as he thinks he is someone he could pretend to like IPA's with. They are shown to be good friends in that episode and Spencer says he and Paul are gonna be good friends.
Romantic Relationships
Throughout the series, it has been shown that Spencer is quite the ladies' man who dates many women. Most of the relationships do not last for more than one episode.
A girl mentioned in iHate Sam's Boyfriend, who Spencer dated while he had poison ivy for two weeks and didn't even notice. He noticed when the poison ivy, spread to 'places.'
An unnamed girl
Referred to as 'that girl' by Sam in iWant More Viewers who only liked Spencer because of his glowing socks.

Spencer dated her, but found out she was "juggling for other guys," so he decided to break up with her. It is said she is diabetic.
She dated Spencer, but he broke up with her because she was annoying. She was never seen in the show, but Spencer talked to her on the phone. Apparently, she believes in unicorns, claiming she has a one as a pet.
Marilyn Ramer
Spencer was flirting with her in iWant a World Record, even when she mentioned she had a boyfriend. She eventually does bring her boyfriend (Calvin, the Guy Who Never Blinks) to the Shays' apartment when she takes a photo of Spencer's completed sculpture. When Spencer says, "Wait, I blinked", Calvin says, "I didn't." Spencer finally relents and says to Marilyn, "I can see why you love him."

Spencer and Miss Ackerman
Spencer dated her, but could not take her anymore because she was obsessive and overreacted if Spencer was not thinking of her. Thus, he broke up with her. (See: Spauren)

Spencer Shay and Sasha Striker.
Spencer and Sasha did not have any apparent relationship as seen on the show, but she offered to "take him for a ride," and they kissed for 7 seconds passionately after Spencer won the title for best Pak-Rat player in the world. (See: Spasha)'
Marissa Benson
In an alternate reality, if Spencer was born normal, then Mrs. Benson and Spencer might have married, making Mrs. Benson Carly's sister-in-law and Freddie her nephew. In reality, however, she occasionally treats him like she's his mother. As both shows progressed, they showed more respect for one another in episodes like ILook Alike, when Spencer agreed with Marissa about not letting Carly go to a dangerous MMA fight. In the revival, they are shown to be close and Spencer is the one who records Marissa proposal to Lewbert in IBuckled. (see Sparissa)
Trudy Galini
He dated Trudy, despite finding her rather unattractive and repulsive, in order to get Mr. Galini's delightfully delicious pie recipe, and Trudy kept kissing Spencer for some reason, calling his kissing "good stuff" much to Spencer's revulsion.

A supermarket clerk at Hey Food, who Spencer was convinced only liked him when he was in a tuxedo, since she had hated him before. Unlike most of the women Spencer has dated, Veronica appears in more than one episode (iMake Sam Girlier), and then later in iEnrage Gibby when it is made clear she had dumped Spencer in her previous appearance. She feels bad that Spencer has "died," but when Spencer shows her he is not dead and tries to convince her to date him again, she leaves. (See: Speronica)
Ms. Fielder
The art teacher at the community center. He was jealous Carly chose to study under her rather than him and they came to blows by covering each other in paint during the art class. They have no real relationship, but they made out at the end of iMust Have Locker 239, after Ms. Fielder expressed a desire for him to teach her in the work of passionate art.
She only appeared for minutes. She is Mrs. Benson's Building Watch Patrol assistant. It is obvious Spencer had a crush on her.
She only appeared in iWas a Pageant Girl. He was supposed to go on a double date with her along with Freddie, and her 15 year old cousin Leslie, but while waiting at the apartment for their rock climbing reservation time, Spencer and Freddie became obsessed with a party game Leslie suggested, and their dates eventually left when they couldn't get either Freddie or Spencer's attention off of the game.
Charlotte Gibson
Spencer dated her, but he saw a vision of Gibby (especially her 'Gibby lips') when he saw her face, and Gibby's mother also saw a vision of Carly on Spencer's face, so they both ran away screaming in horror. (See: Sparlotte)

Spencer and Candace
A sophisticated young woman. He had a date with her, but they broke up when she found out he helps children with webcasts, and she was out of his league.
Gia Chambers
The hot older sister of his nemesis Chuck Chambers. In iBeat the Heat, Spencer kept flirting with her and even put up with Chuck tormenting him in order to keep him from taking her away from his house.
Jodi Flooger
She was meant to marry Gordon Birch, but when she saw Spencer, she decided that she wanted to marry him (something that Spencer is not exactly pleased about). However, when Carly sings, Jodi realizes she belongs to Gordon. (See: Spodi)
A woman from Uzbekistan who didn't speak any English. Spencer went out with her because he thought she was hot. Gibby tried to help him translate, but instead he got a man who only spoke Uzbek as well and stole Krustacia away from Spencer. (See: Spristasia)
An employee of the art museum in iHire An Idiot. Spencer kissed her twice near the end of the episode.

Spencer hugging Moni
A make-up artist Spencer dated six years before iParty with Victorious. He broke up with her and due to his bad driving, he backed over her leg with his car. She was still upset that he ran over her.
Another girl mentioned in iParty with Victorious. Spencer backed over her leg with his car, too.
Hardware Store Girl
A girl Spencer met at a hardware store who likes moist chicken in iDate Sam & Freddie. At the end of the episode she stole Spencer's wallet, which had four dollars in it. Carly had called her icky and Spencer had called her dumb.
Jenna Hamilton
Jenna was Spencer's ex-babysitter. Spencer and Jenna broke up due to Carly telling them that they're forcing their relationship. Jenna was also treating Carly and Spencer like she was the babysitter of them.
Cassie was Spencer's girlfriend in iStill Psycho, Cassie and Spencer had kissed 3 times in the episode. Cassie bought Spencer a game which he loves, and he shouted: "YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!!!".
Spencer dated her in iGo One Direction but it didn't seem to go anywhere.
Spencer mentioned dating her in iShock America.
Mentioned in iGoodbye to be the only girl Spencer ever really loved. He was really looking forward to reuniting with her during a lay over in Seattle but gave up the opportunity to take Carly to a Father/Daughter dance she had been looking forward to.
Maeve (2021; Ex-Girlfriend)

Spencer and Maeve
Spencer met Maeve in the revival episode, iTake a Girls' Trip, who is Harper's cousin. The two were instantly smitten with each other and got to know each other over a meal. Spencer surprised Maeve with doing a parody of the famous pose scene by Jack and Rose from Titanic. Although it was not actually confirmed, it was hinted that the two had entered a romantic relationship and Spencer has invited Maeve to stay with him in his apartment until she found her own place in Seattle. It was revealed in the following episode that they were dating. However, by iThrow a Flawless Dinner Party, the couple had gone past the "honeymoon phase" and were starting to get on each other's nerves, which lead to them breaking up. (See Spencer and Maeve)

Spencer and Argentina
Argentina Woolridge (2021; Ex-Girlfriend)
Spencer dated Argentina in iNeed Space and they hooked up but broke up at the end of the episode after he found out she wasn't as nice as he had thought.
McKenna Donatacci (2022; Hook-Up)

McKenna Donatacci was a woman Spencer slept with in ICupid when his sister tried to get him someone to date. Carly set Spencer up with McKeena and they just slept together rather than actually dated.
Unnamed Woman; 2023 Spencer mentions in iBuckled that he wants to sleep with a woman and lied to her about being on TV, as well as lying about his name.
Alicia; 2023

After Spencer donated his sperm, Alicia used it to become pregnant with their child Potter. In iReunited and It Felt OK, after Spencer found out Alicia was Potter's mother, he asked her out, which she accepted. However, Alicia wasn't mentioned since so it is unknown if their date worked out or not.
- Spencer, is one of the three characters to appear in every episode of the entire iCarly franchise the other being Carly and Freddie.
- When Spencer was in 10th grade, he played the role of "man in suit" in a school play.[51]
- He was 26 going on 27 in season 1 and was a freshman in high school 14 years prior to the events of IGet Pranky.
- Spencer's star sign is a Scorpio.
- Spencer is allergic to bees.[52]
- Spencer has owned several goldfish. Several of them died due to Spencer forgetting to feed them and one presumably died after Spencer shattered its fish bowl by accident.[53][54] Despite this, Spencer appears to care about the wellbeing of his goldfish, as he takes them to see a pet psychologist, as revealed in his blog, Is She Into Me?.
- Spencer took a year of Japanese in college.[55]
- Both Carly and Spencer snore in their sleep. Carly uses a breathing apparatus, whereas Spencer does not.[56][10]
- He appears in the Victorious episode April Fool's Blank brushing Gibby Head.
- There is a running gag that anything Spencer fixed and/or created, it either explodes or catches on fire, which is seen for the first time ever in iWanna Stay With Spencer.
- This is something that has passed onto his daughter Potter, as seen in iReunited and It Felt OK
- Spencer did immersion therapy to overcome his fear of clowns, so they only make him cry sometimes.[57]
- He is extremely competitive.[15]
- He is 4 years younger than his portrayer Jerry Trainor.
- He is 13-14 years older than Carly and Freddie.
- Spencer doesn't seem to be very good at hiding things as he has an Australian accent when trying to hide something.[28]
- He claims in iBuckled that he is too smart for therapy.
- After Spencer dropped out of law school and he needed money so he donated his sperm 10 times with 11 different kids with different moms. Spencer was similar to Vince Vaughn character Dave Wozniak in Delivery Man 2013 movie where he donated sperm and had delivered 533 kids.
- He has a daughter named Potter, revealed in iReunited and It Felt OK.
- In iGo Public, Spencer mentioned his kids, but it seemed at the time he was saying it out of fear, but it turned out to be true in iReunited and It Felt OK.
- He hates IPA beer as mentioned in iGo to Toledo.
- He and Carly suffer from abandonment issues due to their mother, which is why Spencer has never been married.[43]
- Spencer has his name in the two episode titles which are IWanna Stay With Spencer and IFind Spencer Friends.
Spencer: [In the locker] Here's Spencey! [Sam slams the locker] Ugh! I gotta learn to say things quicker before I blow. (iSaved Your Life |
Spencer: She's from Uzbekistan and she's blonde and tall and pretty and fun and smells like a FANCY HOTEL BATHROOM! (iSell Penny-Tees |
iCarly Episodes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | Total | |
1 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 25 |
2 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 21 | ||||
3 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 18 | |||||||
4 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 20 | |||||
5 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 13 | ||||||||||||
Total | 97 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
iCarly (2021) Episodes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | Total | |
1 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 13 | ||||||||||||
2 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 10 | |||||||||||||||
3 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 10 | |||||||||||||||
Total | 33 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
✔ = Appeared | M = Mentioned | F = Flashback | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
- = Did not appear | V = Voice | P = Pictured | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: Specials are counted as 1 episode in the total (see more information). |
See photos of Spencer Shay here.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 iGive Away a Car
- ↑ iParty With Victorious
- ↑ iBust a Thief
- ↑ My Christmas Gift Dilemma
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 iFauxpologize
- ↑ iRobot Wedding
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 iMove Out
- ↑ iGuess Everyone Just Hates Me Now
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 iLove Gwen
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 iThrow a Flawless Dinner Party
- ↑ iSaved Your Life
- ↑ iObject, Lewbert!
- ↑ iReturn to Webicon
- ↑ iStart Over
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 iDragged Him
- ↑ IThrow a Flawless Murder Mystery Party
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 iLove Your Shoes
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 iReunited and It Felt OK
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 iGo to Toledo
- ↑ iGot Your Back
- ↑ iBuckled
- ↑ iCause A Cat-Astrophe
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 iCreate a New Ecosystem
- ↑ Spencer's bio
- ↑ Spencer's blog post "Dear Spencer, From Spencer"
- ↑ iPilot
- ↑ iHeart Art
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 iGo Public
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 IThrow a Flawless Murder Mystery Party
- ↑ iHate Carly
- ↑ iNeed Space
- ↑ iCupid
- ↑ Spencer's Leap Year Surprise
- ↑ iNevel
- ↑ iWant My Website Back
- ↑ iStill Psycho
- ↑ iStakeout
- ↑ iHave a Lovesick Teacher
- ↑ iQuit iCarly
- ↑ iFence
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 iHurt Lewbert
- ↑ iGo to Japan
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 iHave A Proposal
- ↑ iSpeed Date
- ↑ iPromote Techfoots
- ↑ iOwe You
- ↑ iHire An Idiot
- ↑ iSpace Out
- ↑ iWon't Cancel The Show
- ↑ Miranda Cosgrove says iCarly revival will address Sam's absence
- ↑ iWanna Stay With Spencer
- ↑ Why I Will NEVER Ride The Bus Again!
- ↑ iDon't Want to Fight
- ↑ iWin a Date
- ↑ iGo to Japan
- ↑ iDate Sam & Freddie
- ↑ iRobot Wedding
v • e • d Characters | ||||||||