iCarly Wiki

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iCarly Wiki
iCarly Wiki
iCarly Wiki

Many things on iCarly are parodies of real products, companies, or people.


First Mentioned / Shown In Parody of
Blessed Buy Freddie's Black Friday Best Buy
Toon Juice iPilot Nick Toons
Pear Company (and all related products) iPilot

Apple Inc.




Photodock iPilot Photoshop
TheSlap On Freddie's Bookmark Bar Facebook
PearPhone Common name iPhone
PearPad Commonly used iPad
PearPod Commonly used iPod
Seattle Beat iWant More Viewers Total Request Live
The Groovy Smoothie iWanna Stay with Spencer Jamba Juice
Toasty iNevel Pillsbury Doughboy
Food Channel iSpy a Mean Teacher Food Network
Randy-chewitz Matzah iSpy a Mean Teacher Mainischewitz Matzah
Randy-Yo's iSpy a Mean Teacher Cheerios
Twin Mints iWill Date Freddie Thin Mints
Girl Sprouts iWill Date Freddie Girl Scouts
The Jonas Book of World Records iWant a World Record The Guinness Book of World Records
Bandana Republic iAm Your Biggest Fan Banana Republic
Backflesh iAm Your Biggest Fan Backhouse Mike
Color Me Pot iDon't Want to Fight Color Me Mine
Galaxy Wars iHeart Art Star Wars
Chips A'Soy iHeart Art Chips Ahoy!
Nug-Nug iHeart Art (Mentioned)
iCook (Physical Appearance)
Jar-Jar Binks, (or Yoda in appearance)
Zaplook iHatch Chicks Google
Cabot Cola iHatch Chicks Coca-Cola
Chickipedia iHatch Chicks Chicken Wiki or Wikipedia
Yellowday iDon't Want to Fight Greenday
Daka iPromote Techfoots Nike

Mercedes Lens

iPromote Techfoots Mercedes-Benz
Skybucks Coffee iGot Detention Starbucks Coffee
Geometry Channel iGot Detention National Geographic Channel
Scarlett's Web iGot Detention Charlotte's Web

Krusty Kreme

iGot Detention Krispy Kreme
Mall-mart iStakeout Walmart
Pirates of the Lima-Bean iStakeout Pirates of the Caribbean
Pingo iFence Pingu
Build-a-Bra iFence Build-a-Bear
Boogie Bear iFence Yogi Bear (possibly)
Peppy Cola iStakeout Pepsi Cola
Mocha Cola iStakeout Coca-Cola
Tingling Brothers Circus iFence Ringling Brothers Circus
WhyNotDateMe.com iWin a Date Match.com/eHarmony.com
The Cheesecake Warehouse iWin a Date The Cheesecake Factory
Wahoo Punch IPromise Not to Tell Hawaiian Punch
Webflix iStage an Intervention Netflix
Pak-Rat iStage an Intervention Pac-Man
Pixel Opus Arcade Inc iStage an Intervention NAMCO
B.F. Wangs iStage an Intervention P.F. Changs
Fudge Balls iOwe You Malteasers / Whoppers
SendEx iWant My Website Back FedEx
Fat Cakes iGo to Japan Sno Balls
Craigsmix.com iGive Away a Car Craigslist.com, (or eBay in appearance)
America Sings iRocked the Vote American Idol (Although mentioned)
Boogie Bear Takes Manhattan iRocked the Vote The Muppets Takes Manhattan
Magic Meatball iMeet Fred Magic 8 Ball
Pee Wee Babies iDate a Bad Boy Beanie Babies
Sham-Pow iDate a Bad Boy Sham-Wow
CFC iFight Shelby Marx UFC
The Sack iThink They Kissed Snuggie
Inside-Out-Burger iWant My Website Back In-N-Out Burger
Pink Bunny iThink They Kissed Pinkberry
Gary Coleman Grill iCook George Foreman Grill
Fig Nooters iFind Lewbert's Lost Love Fig Newtons
Minor league Pirates iQuit iCarly Pittsburgh Pirates/Major League Baseball
The Blowing iQuit iCarly The Happening
What Am I? iWas a Pageant Girl HedBanz
Fiber Nuts iWas a Pageant Girl Fiber One
Sizzle Rocks iEnrage Gibby Pop Rocks
Oystamato iSpace Out Clamato
Statue of Gibberty iFix A Popstar Statue of Liberty
Ginger Fox iFix A Popstar Britney Spears
Amazing Glaze iFix A Popstar Amazing Grace
Hamster in my Pasta iFix A Popstar Hand in my Pocket
Pop Music Awards iFix A Popstar Video Music Awards
Backstage Hollywood iFix A Popstar Access Hollywood
Maxiglass iPsycho Plexiglas
Food Pockets iPsycho Hot Pocket
Webicon iPsycho / iStart a Fanwar / iReturn to Webicon Comic Con/VidCon
Yatsabishi iPsycho / iGot a Hot Room Mitsubishi
Boston Grove iDate Sam & Freddie Boston Globe
Idiot Farm Girl Vampire Edition iPity The Nevel The Twilight Saga
World of Warlords iStart a Fanwar World of Warcraft
Cutting Room Flow iHire An Idiot Final Cut Pro
TryPod iHire An Idiot Ipod/Tripod
Brilliance Bar iHire An Idiot Genius Bar
Dr. Gibs iBalls Dr. Pepper
Twinjas IToe Fat Cakes Supah Ninjas & Twitches
Omniflex iGo One Direction


Puerile iHalfoween Purell
Funk E. Fester's iBust a Thief Chuck E. Cheese's
Samsun iGoodbye Samsung
GI Judo iShock America GI Joe
NCC iShock America Federal Communications Commission
Pear OS iPilot Mac OS (Windows XP in appearance, Windows 7 in Later seasons)
The Vintage Network iToe Fat Cakes TV Land (an American television network)
Red Lamb IFauxpologize Red Bull
GameStationX IGot Your Back PlayStation & Xbox Series X
Bitty Wheats IGot a Hot Room Mini Wheats
Do You Know More Than a First Grader? iCarly.com Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
Scraps iLove Your Shoes Tinder
Walmart+ iGo Public Amazon Prime