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Insideoutburger logo

Inside_Out Burger logo

Inside-Out-Burger is a fast food restaurant that Spencer, Sam, and Freddie like to go to when they prank the drive-thru employee in the iCarly.com videos titled "iDrive Thru." It is mentioned in iWant My Website Back by Mandy ("We can go to Inside-Out-Burger") and also mentioned in Victorious by Rex who exclaims, "I thought you were takin' me to Inside-Out-Burger"!?? It is also mentioned in iStart a Fanwar. Gibby's granddad tries to get soup there, but fails, and in iShock America, Spencer's girlfriend Kristen, says she works at the drive-through at Inside-Out-Burger. It was also located in LA, as seen in Sam & Cat.

The restaurant is a parody of In-N-Out Burger. It is also frequently mentioned in Drake and Josh and Henry Danger.

In n out

Real In n Out
