"You know we're about to ruin a relationship between two of our best friends?" |
iCan't Take It (originally titled iBreak Up[3]) is the sixteenth episode of Season 4 of iCarly and the eighty-sixth episode overall. It is also the third episode of the four-episode storyline stemming off of iOMG.
When Sam and Carly discuss how Sam's relationship with Freddie is working out, Freddie presents the newest fake iCarly movie trailer, The Adventures of Super Bra. Much to Carly's dismay, Freddie has edited Carly out of the fake trailer and focuses on Sam. Sam is seen to abuse Gibby, since she has stopped picking on Freddie because they're dating.
Sam and Freddie are going to a movie together, and are just going down the stairs of Bushwell Plaza when Mrs. Benson arrives. Freddie pushes Sam back into Carly's apartment and makes Spencer lie to Mrs. Benson about their romance. Spencer comes up with the story that he sent Freddie out to get yeast because he's starting a bread business in the apartment.
Gibby, now the subject of abuse from Sam, concocts a plan to split up Freddie and Sam. He enters the elevator in Bushwell Plaza, waits for Mrs. Benson to arrive and then stops the elevator when she enters it. He shows her pictures on his PearPad of Sam and Freddie acting like a couple. Mrs. Benson screams, and as the scene ends, she and Gibby start forming a plan.
Later, while Carly and Sam are at Glitter Gloss, Mrs. Benson attempts to bribe Freddie into breaking up with Sam by giving him 100 grams of palladium worth $100,000. However, to Mrs. Benson's disapproval, Freddie denies the offer.
Sam and Freddie then go on another movie date only to come back to the studio late and miss a webcast of iCarly. There it is revealed to Sam and Freddie that Gibby was the one that outed their romance to Mrs. Benson, next Sam becomes furious and beats up Gibby so badly that he dislocates a breast bone and loses a clump of hair, and kicked Spencer in the groin.
Angered that Sam and Freddie missed iCarly and at the prodding of Mrs. Benson and Gibby, Carly lets it slip that Sam was the one that sabotaged Freddie's application to New Electronics Research and Development (N.E.R.D.) Camp. They devise a plan to tell Freddie that Sam messed with his application in hopes it will split them.

The Kiss at the beginning
During the next iCarly rehearsal when Sam and Freddie show up three minutes early, Carly and Gibby set their plan into motion and aid Mrs. Benson. Mrs. Benson hands Freddie his (N.E.R.D.) Camp application, and Carly runs downstairs, telling Spencer that she felt guilty. Freddie sees his answers are different from what he put, and figures out it was Sam who changed all his answers. She tries to explain it was four months ago, before they began dating, but he is too hurt to say anything other than it was a dream of his and that it could have helped him get into any college he wanted. Sam apologizes, but Freddie does not respond to that.
Carly is watching this from downstairs with Spencer on the computer from the iCarly cam. Feeling guilty, she runs back upstairs, telling Freddie he cannot break up with Sam like that. Mrs. Benson tries to attack Carly from saving Sam and Freddie's relationship. Gibby restrains her and tells her he is no longer on her side because he doesn't want to interfere with young love, and he escorts Mrs. Benson out of the studio, despite the fact he was the one who told her. Sam and Freddie stand there awkwardly until Carly pushes them together until they kiss. The two kiss and hug as they make up. and Gibby sings a love song for everyone to celebrate Sam and Freddie not breaking up. Spencer is seen downstairs eating yeast and crying as he is watching from the home computer.
Guest Stars
- According to a photo posted by Dan via his Official Facebook Page: "This episode reached Number 1 on iTunes in the Childrens' TV Category the day after its television premiere." "Who Did it to Trina?" was #2, a Victorious episode which premiered the same night.
- The working title for this episode was originally "iBreak Up" before being changed to the finalized title "iCan't Take It." [4]
- Some scenes in this episode were shown in promos for iLost My Mind and iDate Sam & Freddie.
- This is the eighth and ninth time Nathan and Jennette have had an on-screen kiss thus far for iCarly. The first as Sam and Freddie in iKiss, the second as Freddie and Melanie in iTwins. They've also had to kiss twice for IOMG as Sam and Freddie, where Dan revealed they shot the kiss two different ways. Then, the one after that in iLost My Mind and twice in iDate Sam & Freddie and twice for iCan't Take It - not counting practice kisses or do-overs. Also it's the sixth and seventh kiss for Sam and Freddie.
- Using a lawn mower inside a building without a window open isn't safe.
- There is a return appearance by George the Bra voiced by Andrew Hill Newman, the bra in "The Adventures of SuperBra" sketch.
- For some reason, in the promos, Spencer's pants fall down after he says the line "What?!", like in iGot A Hot Room, though this didn't happen in the actual episode. It seems that this was a deleted scene.
- The clip of Gibby singing was used in the Victorious special Tori Goes Platinum.
- iCarly posted another link to the first and only (American) promo for this episode: "The next episode of iCarly is this Saturday at 8! It's called "iCan't Take It" and is going to be fan-bat-tastic :P" via iCarly's Official Facebook page.
- iCarly tweeted "Reason #1 y the NEW iCarly's gonna be epic: George The Bra is BACK! Play Bust A Ghost if u miss George & watch tmrw @ 8."
- iCarly tweeted "Reason #2 why the BRAND NEW iCarly is gonna be great: There's MORE Sam & Freddie! Check out our Sam Vs. Freddie quiz."
- iCarly tweeted "Reason #3 to watch the next iCarly is 'cuz it's gonna be awesome. Don't believe us? Watch a sneak peek here!"
- iCarly tweeted "Reason #4 why the BRAND NEW iCarly is gonna be great: Gibby sings a love song to someone!"
- iCarly tweeted "Reason #5 why the BRAND NEW iCarly is gonna be awesome: Spencer opens a bakery. In. His. Loft. Why? Find out Saturday!"
- This is the first episode of iCarly in a while with only one (American) promo.

- Gibby sings a song at the end of the episode. This is the third time he sings; first time was in iRocked the Vote, and second was in iParty with Victorious ("Leave it All to Shine").

- The final scene for this episode on iCarly.com is different because the song is longer and at the end Sam and Freddie put their arms around each other.
- Spencer sports a new Penny T which is blue and has the phrase "Corn Pappy" in yellow letters.
- Not counting the Super Bra trailer, this episode marks the shortest amount of time with a iCarly webcast. In this case only 12 seconds.
- The second shortest amount of time with a webcast is in iQ with 20 seconds, while the third shortest was tied between iReunite With Missy and iSam's Mom with 23 seconds each.
- After Gibby says "Thanks, Carly! So much for secrets!", and Sam attacks him, it sounds like Gibby yells in his younger voice. This may have been a sound bit recorded from the past.
- This episode has Spencer watching an episode of Hungry Girl a reference to Dan's wife Lisa Lillien a.k.a Hungry Girl.
- Mrs. Benson tearing her blouse is known as Keriah, a traditional Jewish custom when a parent mourns for the loss of a child. This may also be a reference to the scene in the 1980 film The Jazz Singer, starring Neil Diamond, in which the title character's father, Cantor Rabinovich, tears his coat in a "You're no longer my son" fashion. This implies a religious reference to Judaism as creator Dan Schneider and most of the iCarly crew are Jewish. Freddie and his mom are either Catholic or Christian as Freddie stated before he wore "church pants."
- When Spencer said, "I ain't afraid of no bra!" in the Super Bra sketch, this may have been a reference to GhostBusters.
Character Revelations
- Freddie has chip in his brain. This was first mentioned in IGo To Japan. Freddie didn't know then but it is likely that Mrs. Benson told him about it at some point.
- Carly watches the confrontation from downstairs on her computer, supposedly from an iCarly camera feed, though you can see the camera change angles several times, even though there would have been no one to change the angle, as all characters present were involved in the conversation. Also, at the end during the credits (when Spencer is watching through the camera), you can actually see the camera moving as Gibby moves.
- When Sam and Freddie leave to go to the movie, they hit the Up Button on the elevator instead of Down.
- If you notice very closely when Carly, Sam, and Freddie are watching the "George the Bra" movie trailer, you can see Carly in a few shots in the trailer on the right side of the screen. You can also hear Carly say her lines in the trailer. If Freddie really edited Carly out of the trailer, he would have completely erased Carly out of the it.
- When Gibby shows Carly "banana man", the grapefruit on the table has a face drawn on it. Then in the next shot the grapefruit has no face on it. (The fact that the grapefruit already has a face on it is mentioned in iBloop2, but apparently they forgot to edit the face out of the previous shot).
- When Sam whacks Gibby with the bag of sandwiches, there is nothing on the floor, except for a few crumbs. When Sam whacks Gibby once more, you could see some bread on the floor. After that, when Sam dropped the bag of sandwiches on Gibby, the bread has disappeared.
- Gibby goes to take a nap in Carly's bed, but later, he is in the elevator to tell Mrs. Benson about Sam and Freddie's relationship.
- Just after Sam attacks Gibby, Spencer runs in and throws his rolling pin down to the left of the studio door, but after the next cut the rolling pin has suddenly moved close to the elevator.
Running Gags
To be added
Series Continuity
- Sam making it clear to Spencer that she said "Aw, crab" is probably a reference to people complaining about Sam using profanity when she used the same phrase in iThink They Kissed.
- Spencer again sets something on fire. This time it's his stove-top and oven where he is cooking and baking bread while wearing a chef's hat.
- The iCarly webcast with Carly and Gibby holds the record for shortest ever, about fifteen seconds long, and is the third one without Sam (the first was in iReunite With Missy and the second was in iWon't Cancel The Show). It is also the third one without Freddie (iWill Date Freddie and iKiss being the first and second).
- Freddie's blog Sam Changed My Answers! relating to this episode is the first time he mentions Sam as his girlfriend noted by the line "You have to admit. I have a pretty funny girlfriend." Though Sam first called Freddie her boyfriend in IDate Sam & Freddie noted by the line, "This is not how boyfriends behave."
- Mrs. Benson mentions that she gives Freddie tick baths. It was first mentioned in iFence.
Carly: So, things are going good with you and Freddie? |
Gibby: Your son, Freddie... |
Mrs. Benson: [comes into the Shay's apartment holding a silver bar] Freddie! |
Carly: [annoyed and angry] I'm going to kill Sam and Freddie! [to Gibby] Are you sure they haven't texted you? |
Carly: [to Sam and Freddie] So, last week you two made me your involuntary Couple's Counselor. Then you edited me out of "Super Bra" and tonight you made me do iCarly by myself. |
Gibby: [to Carly] Tell us what you know. |
Carly: [to Gibby] You know we're about to ruin a relationship between two of our best friends? |
Carly: [feeling bothered by Gibby going to take a nap in her bed] Oh... |
Carly: [to Freddie] You know eventually you're gonna have to tell your mom you and Sam are dating. |
Gibby: [In the elevator while showing Mrs. Benson pictures] Wait, I brought you a flashlight too. |
Mrs.Benson: What's that? |
Freddie: [looking at his PearPhone] Ah, dag, man! No! |
Gibby: Cool! There's a sale for glitter gloss at the store! |
Carly: [looks at Freddie] Look, having Sam in your life is like owning a wild chimp... |
[The lights dim, disco lights flutter throughout the room, and music begins to play] |
Related iCarly.com Blog Posts
- Freddie's Blog: Sam Changed My Answers!
Related iCarly.com Games
This episode received 5.13 million views during its premiere weekend among viewers at the 9-14 year old demographic for the week of September 12, 2011-September 18, 2011.[5]
See photos of iCan't Take It here.
See videos of iCan't Take It here.
Related Pages
External Links
- ↑ Plot synopsis and airdate TV Guide.com
- ↑ Cable Top 25: 'Monday Night Football,' 'Jersey Shore,' College Football, ' 'The Closer' Top Weekly Cable Viewing TVbythenumbers.com (Sep. 20, 2011)
- ↑ File:Ibreakup1.jpg
- ↑ https://icarly.fandom.com/wiki/File:Ibreakup1.jpg
- ↑ Number of Views