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Fladoodles are fictional snacks shown in the episode iAm Your Biggest Fan. The iCarly trio sent Mandy to find these in an attempt to get rid of her. They were shocked when she showed up at the door with a grocery bag full of them. Mandy says she found them in a "weird Scandinavian market."

Fladoodles were invented in Sweden and is a type of chips with a smell of moose hooves. There is also known to be fat-free fladoodles and barbecue flavored ones.

Fladoodles were mentioned once more in iWant a World Record when the man who disrupted the iCarly webcast and told them to go down to the lobby said, "I don't give a flying fladoodle about your world record, everyone down to the lobby right now!"

Fadoodles are suppose to be a parody of cheese doodles.

In a Nick Podcast, Jerry Trainor explains that Fladoodles are made from moose hooves.

However, the rest of the iCarly cast said they hoped Fladoodles tasted sweet.
