iCarly Wiki

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iCarly Wiki
iCarly Wiki

Steven Shay, also known as "Colonel Shay", is Carly and Spencer's father. He is a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, and currently on a tour of duty in a United States submarine. In iWon't Cancel The Show, he was docked somewhere near Anchorage, Alaska. It was implied in the same episode that he is involved in some kind of classified work when Spencer tells Carly that she "probably shouldn't give away their father's current position".

In iPilot, Carly mentions he is stationed in Europe and in iGoodbye, it's revealed that he's stationed on a base near Florence, Italy.

Dan Schneider, the producer of iCarly, cleared up the confusion about if he was in the Air Force or Navy: he was in the Air Force on a Navy Submarine. Officers in the military have more leeway in working with other branches, which would explain why her dad is in the Air Force, but on a Navy submarine.

Spencer never told his and Carly's father that he dropped out of law school until iGoodbye; in iSpace Out and iMeet The First Lady, Spencer pretended to still be in law school.

In iWanna Stay With Spencer, Grandad Shay had called Carly and Spencer's father after he believed Spencer was unfit to be Carly's legal guardian, and Colonel Shay claimed he believed Spencer to be responsible enough, meaning he likely at least trusted Spencer. The fact he greatly cared for his daughter was reinforced when he did also agree with Granddad was the one who was best to decide what was best for Carly in place of himself while still in the military.

He calls Spencer and Carly in iStill Psycho to make sure they and their friends are okay after being kidnapped by Nora Dershlit (apparently, the events of the episode ended up on the news). Spencer assured him that he, Carly and their friends were just fine.

The plot in iMeet The First Lady revolves around Sam and Freddie trying to help Carly stay in touch with her father on his birthday because he's not able to make it home as planned. He's almost seen in that episode as his face is partially obstructed by static.

He appears in the series finale, iGoodbye, to take Carly to a special father/daughter dance. During an iCarly webcast held in the episode, he finally learns that Spencer dropped out of law school. While obviously angry with Spencer upon first learning this (to the point of trying to strangle his son), Colonel Shay seems to get over it by the end of the episode -- they talk things out in the end, with both father and son acknowledge that Spencer probably wouldn't have made a very good lawyer and Steven accepts Spencer's passion for art. Steven also promises to keep sending money to his son.

The actor portraying Colonel Shay on iGoodbye is named David Chisum (on his blog Dan Schneider spelled his name incorrectly as "David Chism").

He was mentioned in iHave My Principals, when Spencer said Bucky would strongly dislike him.

He was mentioned many years later in the revival episode iObject, Lewbert!, when Carly mentioned the father-daughter air force dance. He was mentioned again in iCreate a New Ecosystem, when Carly says her dad couldn't make it to the event in the park.


Steven has never been able to see his kids because of his military service. He has also had to back out on any get together. However, he is shown to be a loving and caring father, to the point where he allows Carly to stay with him while in Italy.


  • His relationship with his own father is unknown.
  • He serves in the U.S. Air Force, but sometimes goes underwater in a submarine.
  • Although he was often mentioned in the original series, iGoodbye is his only on-screen appearance.
  • He is mentioned 4 times in the revival series. - In iStart Over, iLove Gwen, iObject, Lewbert! and iCreate a New Ecosystem.
  • It is unknown if he is or will become aware of his 10 grandchildren.
  • He was never mentioned in season 2 of the original series, but has been mentioned once in every season of the revival.


iCarly Episodes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total
1 M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
3 - - - - M - - - - - - - M - - - - - 0
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M 0
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Total 1
iCarly (2021) Episodes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total
1 M - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
2 - M - - - - - - - - 0
3 - - - - - - - - M - 0
Total 0
= Appeared M = Mentioned F = Flashback
- = Did not appear V = Voice P = Pictured
Note: Specials are counted as 1 episode in the total (see more information).


